Prior Processes
In Lace (and in Bayesian nonparametrics) we put a prior on the number of parameters. This prior process formalizes how instances are distributed to an unknown number of categories. Lace gives you two options
- The one-parameter Dirichlet process,
- The two-parameter Pitman-Yor process,
PYP(α, d)
The Dirichlet process more heavily penalizes new categories with an exponential fall off while the Pitman-Yor process has a power law fall off in the number for categories. When d = 0, Pitman-Yor is equivalent to the Dirichlet process.
Figure: Category ID (y-axis) by instance number (x-axis) for Dirichlet process draws for various values of alpha.
Pitman-Yor may fit the data better but (and because) it will create more parameters, which will cause model training to take longer.
Figure: Category ID (y-axis) by instance number (x-axis) for Pitman-Yor process draws for various values of alpha and d.
For those looking for a good introduction to prior process, this slide deck from Yee Whye Teh is a good resource.