Documentation: User guide | Rust API | Python API |
Installation: Rust | Python | CLI
Contents: Problem | QUICK START | License

Lace is a probabilistic cross-categorization engine written in rust with an optional interface to python. Unlike traditional machine learning methods, which learn some function mapping inputs to outputs, Lace learns a joint probability distribution over your dataset, which enables users to...

  • predict or compute likelihoods of any number of features conditioned on any number of other features
  • identify, quantify, and attribute uncertainty from variance in the data, epistemic uncertainty in the model, and missing features
  • determine which variables are predictive of which others
  • determine which records/rows are similar to which others on the whole or given a specific context
  • simulate and manipulate synthetic data
  • work natively with missing data and make inferences about missingness (missing not-at-random)
  • work with continuous and categorical data natively, without transformation
  • identify anomalies, errors, and inconsistencies within the data
  • edit, backfill, and append data without retraining

and more, all in one place, without any explicit model building.

import pandas as pd
import lace

# Create an engine from a dataframe
df = pd.read_csv("animals.csv", index_col=0)
engine = lace.Engine.from_df(df)

# Fit a model to the dataframe over 5000 steps of the fitting procedure

# Show the statistical structure of the data -- which features are likely
# dependent (predictive) on each other
engine.clustermap("depprob", zmin=0, zmax=1)

Animals dataset dependence probability

The Problem

The goal of lace is to fill some of the massive chasm between standard machine learning (ML) methods like deep learning and random forests, and statistical methods like probabilistic programming languages. We wanted to develop a machine that allows users to experience the joy of discovery, and indeed optimizes for it.

Short version

Standard, optimization-based ML methods don't help you learn about your data. Probabilistic programming tools assume you already have learned a lot about your data. Neither approach is optimized for what we think is the most important part of data science: the science part: asking and answering questions.

Long version

Standard ML methods are easy to use. You can throw data into a random forest and start predicting with little thought. These methods attempt to learn a function f(x) -> y that maps inputs x, to outputs y. This ease-of-use comes at a cost. Generally f(x) does not reflect the reality of the process that generated your data, but was instead chosen by whoever developed the approach to be sufficiently expressive to better achieve the optimization goal. This renders most standard ML completely uninterpretable and unable to yield sensible uncertainty estimate.

On the other extreme you have probabilistic tools like probabilistic programming languages (PPLs). A user specifies a model to a PPL in terms of a hierarchy of probability distributions with parameters θ. The PPL then uses a procedure (normally Markov Chain Monte Carlo) to learn about the posterior distribution of the parameters given the data p(θ|x). PPLs are all about interpretability and uncertainty quantification, but they place a number of pretty steep requirements on the user. PPL users must specify the model themselves from scratch, meaning they must know (or at least guess) the model. PPL users must also know how to specify such a model in a way that is compatible with the underlying inference procedure.

Example use cases

  • Combine data sources and understand how they interact. For example, we may wish to predict cognitive decline from demographics, survey or task performance, EKG data, and other clinical data. Combined, this data would typically be very sparse (most patients will not have all fields filled in), and it is difficult to know how to explicitly model the interaction of these data layers. In Lace, we would just concatenate the layers and run them through.
  • Understanding the amount and causes of uncertainty over time. For example, a farmer may wish to understand the likelihood of achieving a specific yield over the growing season. As the season progresses, new weather data can be added to the prediction in the form of conditions. Uncertainty can be visualized as variance in the prediction, disagreement between posterior samples, or multi-modality in the predictive distribution (see this blog post for more information on uncertainty)
  • Data quality control. Use surprisal to find anomalous data in the table and use -logp to identify anomalies before they enter the table. Because Lace creates a model of the data, we can also contrive methods to find data that are inconsistent with that model, which we have used to good effect in error finding.

Who should not use Lace

There are a number of use cases for which Lace is not suited

  • Non-tabular data such as images and text
  • Highly optimizing specific predictions
    • Lace would rather over-generalize than over fit.

Quick start


Lace requires rust.

To install the CLI:

$ cargo install --locked lace-cli

To install pylace

$ pip install pylace


Lace comes with two pre-fit example data sets: Satellites and Animals.

>>> from lace.examples import Satellites
>>> engine = Satellites()

# Predict the class of orbit given the satellite has a 75-minute
# orbital period and that it has a missing value of geosynchronous
# orbit longitude, and return epistemic uncertainty via Jensen-
# Shannon divergence.
>>> engine.predict(
...     'Class_of_Orbit',
...     given={
...         'Period_minutes': 75.0,
...         'longitude_radians_of_geo': None,
...     },
... )
('LEO', 0.023981898950561048)

# Find the top 10 most surprising (anomalous) orbital periods in
# the table
>>> engine.surprisal('Period_minutes') \
...     .sort('surprisal', reverse=True) \
...     .head(10)
shape: (10, 3)
│ index                               ┆ Period_minutes ┆ surprisal │
│ ---                                 ┆ ---            ┆ ---       │
│ str                                 ┆ f64            ┆ f64       │
│ Wind (International Solar-Terres... ┆ 19700.45       ┆ 11.019368 │
│ Integral (INTErnational Gamma-Ra... ┆ 4032.86        ┆ 9.556746  │
│ Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO)     ┆ 3808.92        ┆ 9.477986  │
│ Tango (part of Cluster quartet, ... ┆ 3442.0         ┆ 9.346999  │
│ ...                                 ┆ ...            ┆ ...       │
│ Salsa (part of Cluster quartet, ... ┆ 3418.2         ┆ 9.338377  │
│ XMM Newton (High Throughput X-ra... ┆ 2872.15        ┆ 9.13493   │
│ Geotail (Geomagnetic Tail Labora... ┆ 2474.83        ┆ 8.981458  │
│ Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (... ┆ 0.22           ┆ 8.884579  │

And similarly in rust:

use lace::prelude::*;
use lace::examples::Example;

fn main() {	
    // In rust, you can create an Engine or and Oracle. The Oracle is an
    // immutable version of an Engine; it has the same inference functions as
    // the Engine, but you cannot train or edit data.
    let mut engine = Example::Satellites.engine().unwrap();
    // Predict the class of orbit given the satellite has a 75-minute
    // orbital period and that it has a missing value of geosynchronous
    // orbit longitude, and return epistemic uncertainty via Jensen-
    // Shannon divergence.
            ("Period_minutes", Datum:Continuous(75.0)),
            ("Longitude_of_radians_geo", Datum::Missing),

Fitting a model

To fit a model to your own data you can use the CLI

$ lace run --csv my-data.csv -n 1000 my-data.lace

...or initialize an engine from a file or dataframe.

>>> import pandas as pd  # Lace supports polars as well
>>> from lace import Engine
>>> engine = Engine.from_df(pd.read_csv("my-data.csv", index_col=0))
>>> engine.update(1_000)

You can monitor the progress of the training using diagnostic plots

>>> from lace.plot import diagnostics
>>> diagnostics(engine)

Animals MCMC convergence


Lace is licensed under the Business Source License v1.1, which restricts commercial use. See LICENSE for full details.

If you would like a license for use in commercial please contact

Academic use

Lace is free for academic use. Please cite lace according the the CITATION.cff metadata.


Installation requires rust, which you can get here.


The lace CLI is installed with rust via the command

$ cargo install --locked lace-cli

Rust crate

To use the lace crate in a rust project add the following line under the dependencies block in your Cargo.toml:

lace = "<version>"


The python library can be installed with pip

pip install

The lace workflow

The typical workflow consists of two or three steps:

  1. Create a codebook
  2. Run/fit/train a model
  3. Ask questions

Step 1 is optional in many cases as Lace usually does a good job of inferring the types of your data. The condensed workflow looks like this.

import pandas as pd
import lace

df = pd.read_csv("mydata.csv", index_col=0)

# 1. Create a codebook (optional)
codebook = lace.Codebook.from_df(df)

# 2. Initialize a new Engine from the prior. If no codebook is provided, a
# default will be generated
engine = lace.Engine.from_df(df, codebook=codebook)

# 3. Run inference
use polars::prelude::{SerReader, CsvReader};
use lace::prelude::*;

let df = CsvReader::from_path("mydata.csv")

// 1. Create a codebook (optional)
let codebook = Codebook::from_df(&df, None, None, False).unwrap();

// 2. Build an engine
let mut engine = EngineBuilder::new(DataSource::Polars(df))

// 3. Run inference
// Use `run` to fit with the default transition set and update handlers; use
// `update` for more control.;

You can also use the CLI to create codebooks and run inference. Creating a default YAML codebook with the CLI, and then manually editing is good way to fine tune models.

$ lace codebook --csv mydata.csv codebook.yaml
$ lace run --csv data.csv --codebook codebook.yaml -n 5000 metadata.lace

Create and edit a codebook

The codebook contains information about your data such as the row and column names, the types of data in each column, how those data should be modeled, and all the prior distributions on various parameters.

The default codebook

In the lace CLI, you have the ability to initialize and run a model without specifying a codebook.

$ lace run --csv data -n 5000 metadata.lace

Behind the scenes, lace creates a default codebook by inferring the types of your columns and creating a very broad (but not quite broad enough to satisfy the frequentists) hyper prior, which is a prior on the prior.

We can also create the default codebook in code.

import polars as pl
from lace import Codebook
from lace.examples import ExamplePaths

# Here we get the path to an example csv file, but you can use any file that
# can be read into a polars or pandas dataframe
path = ExamplePaths("satellites").data
df = pl.read_csv(path)

# Infer the default codebook for df
codebook = Codebook.from_df("satellites", df)
use polars::prelude::{CsvReader, SerReader};
use lace::codebook::Codebook;
use lace::examples::Example;

// Load an example file
let paths = Example::Satellites.paths().unwrap();
let df = CsvReader::from_path(

// Create the default codebook
let codebook = Codebook::from_df(&df, None, None, None, false).unwrap();

Creating a template codebook

Lace is happy to generate a default codebook for you when you initialize a model. You can create and save the default codebook to a file using the CLI. To create a codebook from a CSV file:

$ lace codebook --csv data.csv codebook.yaml

Note that if you love quotes and brackets, and hate being able to comment, you can use json for the codebook. Just give the output of codebook a .json extension.

$ lace codebook --csv data.csv codebook.json

If you use a data format with a schema, such as Parquet or IPC (Apache Arrow v2), you make Lace's work a bit easier.

$ lace codebook --ipc data.arrow codebook.yaml

If you want to make changes to the codebook -- the most common of which are editing the Dirichlet process prior, specifying whether certain columns are missing not-at-random, adjusting the prior distributions and disabling hyper priors -- you just open it up in your text editor and get to work.

For example, let's say we wanted to make a column of the satellites data set missing not-at-random, we first create the template codebook,

$ lace codebook --csv satellites.csv codebook-sats.yaml

open it up in a text editor and find the column of interest

- name: longitude_radians_of_geo
  coltype: !Continuous
        mu: 0.21544247097911842
        sigma: 1.570659039531299
        shape: 1.0
        rate: 1.0
        shape: 6.066108090103747
        scale: 6.066108090103747
        shape: 6.066108090103747
        scale: 2.4669698184613824
    prior: null
  notes: null
  missing_not_at_random: false

and change the column metadata to something like this:

- name: longitude_radians_of_geo
  coltype: !Continuous
        mu: 0.21544247097911842
        sigma: 1.570659039531299
        shape: 1.0
        rate: 1.0
        shape: 6.066108090103747
        scale: 6.066108090103747
        shape: 6.066108090103747
        scale: 2.4669698184613824
    prior: null
  notes: "This value is only defined for GEO satellites"
  missing_not_at_random: true

Sometimes, we have a bit of knowledge that we can transfer to lace in the form of a more-specific prior distribution. To set the prior we remove the hyper prior and set the prior. Note that doing this disabled prior parameter inference.

- name: longitude_radians_of_geo
  coltype: !Continuous
    hyper: null
        m: 0.0
        k: 1.0
        v: 1.0
        s2: 3.0
  notes: "This value is only defined for GEO satellites"
  missing_not_at_random: true

For a complete list of codebook fields, see the reference.

Run/train/fit a model

Lace is a Bayesian tool so we do posterior sampling via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). A typical machine learning model will use some sort of optimization method to find one model that fits best; the objective for fitting is different in Lace.

In Lace we use a number of states (or samples), each running MCMC independently to characterize the posterior distribution of the model parameters given the data. Posterior sampling isn't meant to maximize the fit to a dataset, it is meant to help understand the conditions that created the data.

When you fit to your data in Lace, you have options to run a set number of states for a set number of iterations (limited by a timeout). Each state is a posterior sample. More states is better, but the run time of everything increases linearly with the number of states; not just the fit, but also the OracleT operations like logp and simulate. As a rule of thumb, 32 is a good default number of states. But if you find your states tend to strongly disagree on things, it is probably a good idea to add more states to fill in the gaps.

As for number of iterations, you will want to monitor your convergence plots. There is no benefit of early stopping like there is with neural networks. MCMC will usually only do better the longer you run it and Lace is not likely to overfit like a deep network.

A state under MCMC

The above figure shows the MCMC algorithm partitioning a dataset into views and categories.

A (potentially useless) analogy comparing MCMC to optimization

At the risk of creating more confusion than we resolve, let us make an analogy to mountaineering. You have two mountaineers: a gradient ascent (GA) mountaineer and an MCMC mountaineer. You place each mountaineer at a random point in the Himalayas and say "go". GA's goal is to find the peak of Everest. Its algorithm for doing so is simply always to go up and never to go down. GA is guaranteed to find a peak, but unless it is very lucky in its starting position, it is unlikely ever to summit Everest.

MCMC has a different goal: to map the mountain range (posterior distribution). It does this by always going up, but sometimes going down if it doesn't end up too low. The longer MCMC explores, the better understanding it gains about the Himalayas: an understanding which likely includes a good idea of the position of the peak of Everest.

While GA achieves its goal quickly, it does so at the cost of understanding the terrain, which in our analogy represents the information within our data.

In Lace we place a troop of mountaineers in the mountain range of our posterior distribution. We call individuals mountaineers states or samples, or chains. Our hope is that our mountaineers can sufficiently map the information in our data. Of course the ability of the mountaineers to build this map depends on the size of the space (which is related to the size of the data) and the complexity of the space (the complexity of the underlying process)

In general the posterior of a Dirichlet process mixture is indeed much like the Himalayas in that there are many, many peaks (modes), which makes the mountaineer's job difficult. Certain MCMC kernels do better in certain circumstances, and employing a variety of kernels leads to better result.

Our MCMC Kernels

The vast majority of the fitting runtime is updating the row-category assignment and the column-view assignment. Other updates such as feature components parameters, CRP parameters, and prior parameters, take an (relatively) insignificant amount of time. Here we discuss the MCMC kernels responsible for the vast majority of work in Lace: the row and column reassignment kernels:

Row kernels

  • slice: Proposes reassignment for each row to an instantiated category or one of many new, empty categories. Slice is good for small tweaks in the assignment, and it is very fast. When there are a lot of rows, slice can have difficulty creating new categories.
  • gibbs: Proposes reassignment of each row sequentially. Generally makes larger moves than slice. Because it is sequential, and accesses data in random order, gibbs is very slow.
  • sams: Proposes mergers and splits of categories. Only considers the rows in one or two categories. Proposes large moves, but cannot make the fine tweaks that slice and gibbs can. Since it proposes big moves, its proposals are often rejected as the run progresses and the state is already fitting fairly well.

Column kernels

The column kernels are generally adapted from the row kernels with some caveats.

  • slice: Same as the row kernel, but over columns.
  • gibbs: The same structurally as the row kernel, but uses random seed control to implement parallelism.

Gibbs is a good choice if the number of columns is high and mixing is a concern.

Fitting models in code

Though the CLI is a convenient way to fit models and generate metadata files outside of python or rust, you may often times find yourself wanting to fit in code. Lace gives you a number of options in both rust and python.


We first initialize a new Engine:

use rand::SeedableRng;
use rand_xoshiro::Xoshiro256Plus;
use polars::prelude::{CsvReader, SerReader};
use lace::prelude::*;
use lace::examples::Example;

// Load an example file
let paths = Example::Satellites.paths().unwrap();
let df = CsvReader::from_path(

// Create the default codebook
let codebook = Codebook::from_df(&df, None, None, None, false).unwrap();

// Build an rng
let rng = Xoshiro256Plus::from_entropy();

// This initializes 32 states from the prior
let mut engine = Engine::new(

Now we have two options for fitting. We can use the Engine::run method, which uses a default set of transition operations that prioritizes speed.;

We can also tell lace exactly which transitions to run.

// Run for 1000 iterations. Use the Gibbs column reassignment kernel, and
// alternate between the merge-split (Sams) and slice row kernels
let run_config = EngineUpdateConfig::new()

engine.update(run_config.clone(), ()).unwrap();

Note the second argument to engine.update. This is the update handler, which allows users to do things like attach progress bars, handle Ctrl+C, and collect additional diagnostic information. There are a number a built-ins for common use case, but you can implement UpdateHandler for your own types if you need extra capabilities. () is the null update handler.

If we wanted a simple progressbar

use lace::prelude::update_handler::ProgressBar;

engine.update(run_config.clone(), ProgressBar::new()).unwrap();

Or if we wanted a progress bar and a Ctrl+C handler, we can use a tuple of UpdateHandlers.

use lace::prelude::update_handler::CtrlC;

    (ProgressBar::new(), CtrlC::new())


Let's load an Engine from an example and run it with the default transitions for 1000 iterations.

from lace.examples import Satellites

engine = Satellites()

As in rust, we can control which transitions are run. Let's just update the row assignments a bunch of times.

from lace import RowKernel, StateTransition

    timeout=10,              # each state can run for at most 10 seconds
    checkpoint=250,          # save progress every 250 iterations


When training a neural network, we monitor for convergence in the error or loss. When, say, we see diminishing returns in our loss function with each epoch, or we see overfitting in the validation set, it is time to stop. Convergence in MCMC is a bit different. We say our Markov Chain has converged when it has settled into a situation in which it is producing draws from the posterior distribution. In the beginning state of the chain, it is rapidly moving away from the low probability area in which it was initialized and into the higher probability areas more representative of the posterior.

To monitor convergence, we observe the score (which is proportional to the likelihood) over time. If the score stops increasing and begins to oscillate, one of two things has happened: we have settled into the posterior distribution, or the Markov Chain has gotten stuck on an island of high likelihood. When a model is identifiable (meaning that each unique parameter set creates a unique model) the posterior distribution is unimodal, which means there is only one peak, which is easily mapped.

Above. Score by MCMC kernel step in the Animals dataset. Colored lines represent the scores of parallel Markov Chains; the black line is their mean.

Above. Score by MCMC kernel step in the Satellites dataset. Colored lines represent the scores of parallel Markov Chains; the Black line is their mean. Note that some of the Markov Chains experience sporadic jumps upward. This is the MCMC kernel hopping to a higher-probability mode.

A Bayesian modeler must make a compromises between expressiveness, interpretability, and identifiablity. A modeler may transform variables to create a more well-behaved posterior at the cost of the model being less interpretable. The modeler may also achieve identifiablity by reducing the complexity of the model at the cost of failing to capture certain phenomena.

To be general, a model must be expressive, and to be safe, a model must be interpretable. We have chosen to favor general applicability and interpretability over identifiablity. We fight against multimodality in three ways: deploying MCMC algorithms that are better at hopping between modes, by running many Markov Chains in parallel, and by being interpretable.

There are many metrics for convergence but none of the them are practically useful for models of this complexity. Instead we encourage users to monitor convergence via the score and by smell-testing the model. If your model is failing to pick up obvious dependencies, or is missing out on obvious intuitions, you should run it more.

Conduct an analysis

You've made a codebook, you've fit a model, now you're ready to do learn.

Let's use the built-in examples to walk through some key concepts. The Animals example isn't the biggest, or most complex, and that's exactly why it's so great. People have acquired a ton of intuition about animals like how and why you might categorize animals into a taxonomy, and why animals have certain features and what that might tell us about other features of animals. This means, that we can see if lace recovers our intuition.

from lace import examples

# if this is your first time using the example, lace must
# build the metadata
animals = examples.Animals()
use lace::examples::Example;
use lace::prelude::*;

// You can create an Engine or an Oracle. An Oracle is
// basically an immutable Engine. You cannot add/edit data or
// extend runs (update).
let animals = Example::Animals.engine().unwrap();

Statistical structure

Usually, the first question we want to ask of a new dataset is "What questions can I answer?" This is a question about statistical dependence. Which features of our dataset share statistical dependence with which others? This is closely linked with the question "which things can I predict given which other things?"

In python, we can generate a plotly heatmap of dependence probability.


In rust, we ask about dependence probabilities between individual pairs of features

let depprob_flippers = animals.depprob(


Now that we know which columns are predictive of each other, let's do some predicting. We'll predict whether an animal swims. Just an animals. Not an animals with flippers, or a tail. Any animal.


Which outputs

(0, 0.04384630488890182)

The first number is the prediction. Lace predicts that an animal does not swims (because most of the animals in the dataset do not swim). The second number is the uncertainty. Uncertainty is a number between 0 and 1 representing the disagreement between states. Uncertainty is 0 if all the states completely agree on how to model the prediction, and is 1 if all the states completely disagree. Note that uncertainty is not tied to variance.

The uncertainty of this prediction is very low.

We can add conditions. Let's predict whether an animal swims given that it has flippers.

animals.predict("swims", given={'flippers': 1})
        ("flippers", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1)))


(1, 0.09588592928237495)

The uncertainty is a little higher, but still quite low.

Let's add some more conditions that are indicative of a swimming animal and see how that effects the uncertainty.

animals.predict("swims", given={'flippers': 1, 'water': 1})
        ("flippers", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1))),
        ("water", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1))),


(1, 0.06761776764962134)

The uncertainty is a bit lower now that we've added swim-consistent evidence.

How about we try to mess with Lace? Let's try to confuse it by asking it to predict whether an animal with flippers that does not go in the water swims.

animals.predict("swims", given={'flippers': 1, 'water': 0})
        ("flippers", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1))),
        ("water", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(0))),


(0, 0.36077426258767503)

The uncertainty is really high! We've successfully confused lace.

Evaluating likelihoods

Let's compute the likelihood to see what is going on

import polars as pl

    pl.Series("swims", [0, 1]),
    given={'flippers': 1, 'water': 0}
        ("flippers", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1))),
        ("water", Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(0))),
.map(|&logp| logp.exp())


# polars
shape: (2,)
Series: 'logp' [f64]

Anomaly detection

    .sort("surprisal", descending=True)\


# polars
shape: (10, 3)
│ index        ┆ fierce ┆ surprisal │
│ ---          ┆ ---    ┆ ---       │
│ str          ┆ u32    ┆ f64       │
│ pig          ┆ 1      ┆ 1.565845  │
│ rhinoceros   ┆ 1      ┆ 1.094639  │
│ buffalo      ┆ 1      ┆ 1.094639  │
│ chihuahua    ┆ 1      ┆ 0.802085  │
│ ...          ┆ ...    ┆ ...       │
│ collie       ┆ 0      ┆ 0.594919  │
│ otter        ┆ 0      ┆ 0.386639  │
│ hippopotamus ┆ 0      ┆ 0.328759  │
│ persian+cat  ┆ 0      ┆ 0.322771  │

Probabilistic Cross Categorization

Lace is built on a Bayesian probabilistic model called Probabilistic Cross-Categorization (PCC). PPC groups \(m\) columns into \(1, ..., m\) views, and within each view, groups the \(n\) rows into \(1, ..., n\) categories. PCC uses a non-parametric prior process (the Dirichlet process) to learn the number of view and categories. Each column (feature) is then modeled as a mixture distribution defined by the category partition. For example, a continuous-valued column will be modeled as a mixture of Gaussian distributions. For references on PCC, see the appendix.

Differences between PCC and Traditional ML

Inputs and outputs

Regression and classification are defined in terms of learning a funciton \(f(x) \rightarrow y \) that maps inputs, \(x\), to outputs, \(y\). PCC has no notion of inputs and outputs. There is only data. PCC learns a joint distribution \(p(x_1, x_2, ..., x_m)\) from which the user can create condition distributions. To predict \(x_1\) given \(x_2\) and \(x_3\), you find \(\text{argmax}_{x_1} p(x_1|x_2, x_3)\).

Supported data types

Most ML models are designed to handle one type of input data, generally continuous. This means if you have categorical data, you have to transform it: you can convert it to a float (e.g. float(x) in python) and just sweep the categorical-ness of the data under the rug, you can do something like one-hot encoding, which significantly increases dimensionality, or you can use some kind of embedding like in natural language processing, which destroys interpretability. PCC allows your data to stay as they are.

The learning method

Most machine learning models use an optimization algorithm to find a set of parameters that achieves a local minima in the loss function. For example, Deep Neural Networks may use stochastic gradient descent to minimize cross entropy. This results in one parameter set representing one model.

In Lace, we use Markov Chain Monte Carlo to do posterior sampling. That is, we attempt to draw a number of PCC states from the posterior distribution. These states provide a kind of topographical map of the PCC posterior distribution which we can use to do a number of things including computing likelihoods and uncertainties.

Dependence probability

The dependence probability (often referred to in code as depprob) between two columns, x and y, is the probability that there is a path of statistical dependence between x and y. The technology underlying the Lace platform clusters columns into views. Each state has an individual clustering of columns. The dependence probability is the proportion of states in which x and y are in the same view,

\[ D(X; Y) = \frac{1}{|S|} \sum_{s \in S} [z^{(s)}_x = z^{(s)}_y] \]

where S is the set of states and z is the assignment of columns to views.

Above. A dependence probability clustermap. Each cell depresents the probability of dependence between two columns. Zero is white and black is one. The dendrogram, generated by seaborn, clusters mutual dependent columns.

It is important to note that dependence probability is meant to tell you whether a dependence exists; it does not necessarily provide information about the strength of dependencies. Dependence probability could potentially be high between independent columns if they are linked by dependent columns. For example, in the three-variable model

graph TD; X-->Z; Y-->Z;

all three columns will be in the same view since Z is dependent on both X and Y, so there will be a high dependence probability between X and Y even though they are statistically independent, but they are dependent given Z.

Dependence probability is the go-to for structure modeling because it is fast to compute and well-behaved for all data. If you need more information about the strength of dependencies, use mutual information.

Mutual information

Mutual information (often referred to in code as mi) is a measure of the information shared between two variables. Is is mathematically defined as

\[ I(X;Y) = \sum_{x \in X} \sum_{y \in Y} p(x,y) \log \frac{p(x, y)}{p(x)p(y)}, \]

or in terms of entropies,

\[ I(X;Y) = H(X) - H(X|Y). \]

Mutual information is well behaved for discrete data types (count and categorical), for which the sum applies; but for continuous data types for which the sum becomes an integral, mutual information can break down because differential entropy is no longer guaranteed to be positive.

For example, the following plots show the dependence probability and mutual information heatmaps for the zoo dataset, which is composed entirely of binary variables:

from lace import examples

animals = examples.Animals()

animals.clustermap('depprob', color_continuous_scale='greys', zmin=0, zmax=1)

Above. A dependence probability cluster map for the Animals dataset.

animals.clustermap('mi', color_continuous_scale='greys')

Above. A mutual information clustermap. Each cell represents the Mutual Information between two columns. Note that compared to dependence probability, the matrix is quite sparse. Also note that the diagonal entries are the entropies for each column.

And below are the dependence probability and mutual information heatmaps of the satellites dataset, which is composed of a mixture of categorical and continuous variables:

satellites = examples.Satellites()
satellites.clustermap('depprob', color_continuous_scale='greys', zmin=0, zmax=1)

Above. The dependence probability cluster map for the satellites date set.

satellites.clustermap('mi', color_continuous_scale='greys')

Above. The normalized mutual information cluster map for the satellites date set. Note that the values are no longer bounded between 0 and 1 due to inconsistencies caused by differential entropies.

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'linfoot'}

Above. The Linfoot-transformed mutual information cluster map for the satellites date set. The Linfoot information transformation often helps to mediate the weirdness that can arise from differential entropy.

Normalization Methods

Mutual information can be difficult to interpret because it does not have well-behaved bounds. In all but the continuous case (in which the mutual information could be negative), mutual information is only guaranteed to be greater than zero. To create an upper bound, we have a number of options:


Knowing that the mutual information cannot exceed the minimum of the total information in (the entropy of) either X or Y, we can normalize by the minimum of the two component entropies:

\[ \hat{I}(X;Y) = \frac{I(X; Y)}{\min \left[H(X), H(Y) \right]} \]

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'normed'}

Above. Normalized mutual information cluster map for the animals dataset.


In the Information Quality Ratio (IQR), we normalize by the joint entropy.

\[ \hat{I}(X;Y) = \frac{I(X; Y)}{H(X, Y)} \]

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'iqr'}

Above. IQR Normalized mutual information cluster map for the animals dataset.


To compute the Jaccard distance, we subtract the IQR from 1. Thus, columns with more shared information have smaller distance

\[ \hat{I}(X;Y) = 1 - \frac{I(X; Y)}{H(X, Y)} \]

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'jaccard'}

Above. Jaccard distance cluster map for the animals dataset.


To compute something akin to the Pearson Correlation coefficient, we normalize by the square root of the product of the component entropies:

\[ \hat{I}(X;Y) = \frac{I(X; Y)}{\sqrt{H(X) H(Y)}} \]

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'pearson'}

Above. Pearson normalized mutual information matrix cluster map for the animals dataset.


Linfoot information is the solution to solving for the correlation between the X and Y components of a bivariate Gaussian distribution with given mutual information.

\[ \hat{I}(X;Y) = \sqrt{ 1 - \exp(2 - I(X;Y)) } \]

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'linfoot'}

Linfoot is often the most well-behaved normalization method especially when using continuous variables.

Above. Linfoot information matrix cluster map for the animals dataset.

Variation of Information

The Variation of Information (VOI) is a metric typically used to determine the distance between two clustering of variables, but we can use it generally to transform mutual information into a valid metric.

\[ \text{VI}(X;Y) = H(X) + H(Y) - 2 I(X,Y) \]

    fn_kwargs={'mi_type': 'voi'}

Above. Variation of information matrix.

Row similarity

Row similarity is (referred to in code as rowsim) a measurement of the similarity between rows. But row similarity is not a measurement of the distance between the values of the rows, but is a measure of how similarly the values of two rows are modeled. Row similarity is not a measurement in the data space, but in the model space. As such, we do not need to worry about coming up with an appropriate distance metric that incorporates data of different types, and we do not need to fret about missing data.

Rows whose values are modeled more similarly will have higher row similarity.

The technology underlying the Lace platform clusters columns into views, and within each view, clusters rows into categories. The row similarity is the average over states of the proportion of views in a state in which the two rows are in the same category.

\[ RS(A, B) \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s \in S} \frac{1}{V_s}\sum_{v \in V_s} [v_a = v_b] \]

Where S is the set of states, Vs is the set of assignments of rows in views to categories, and va is the assignment of row a in a particular view.

Column-weighted variant

One may wish to weight by the size of the view. For example, if 99% of the columns are in one view, and the two rows are together in the large view, but not the small view, we would like a row similarity of 99%, not 50%. For this reason, there is a column-weighted variant, which can be accessed by way of an extra argument to the rowsim function.

\[ \bar{RS}(A, B) \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{v \in V_s} \frac{|C_v|}{|C|} [v_a = v_b] \]

where C is the set of all columns in the table and Cv is the number of columns in a given view, v.

We can see the effect of column weighting when computing the row similarity of animals in the zoo dataset.

from lace import examples

animals = examples.Animals()
animals.clustermap('rowsim', color_continuous_scale='greys', zmin=0, zmax=1)

Above. Standard row similarity for the animals data set.

    fn_kwargs={'col_weighted': True}

Above. Column-weighted row similarity for the animals data set. Note that the clusters are more pronounced.


Often, we are not interested in aggregate similarity over all variables, but in similarity with respect to specific target variables. For example, if we are an seeds company looking to determine where certain seeds will be more effective, we might not want to compute row similarity of locations across all variables, but might be more interested in row similarity with respect to yield.

Contextualized row similarity (usually via the wrt [with respect to] argument) is computed only over the views containing the columns of interest. When contextualizing with a single column, column-weighted and standard row similarity are equivalent.

    fn_kwargs={'wrt': ['swims']}

Above. Row similarity for the animals data set with respect to the swims variable. Animals that swim are colored blue. Animals that do not are colored tan. Note that if row similarity were looking at just the values of the data, similarity would either be zero (similar) or one (dissimilar) because the animals data are binary and we are looking it only one column. But row similarity here captures nuanced information about how swims is modeled. We see that withing the animals that swims, there are two distinct clusters of similarity. There are animals like the dolphin and killer whale that live their lives in the water, and there are animals like the polar bear and hippo that just visit. Both of these groups of animals swim, but for each group, Lace predicts that they swim for different reasons.


Computing likelihoods is the bread and butter of Lace. Apart from the clustering-based quantities, pretty much everything in Lace is computing likelihoods behind the scenes. Prediction is finding the argmax of a likelihood, surprisal is the negative likelihood, entropy is the integral of the production of the likelihood and log likelihood.

Computing likelihood is simple. First, we'll pull in the Satellites example.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from lace import examples

satellites = examples.Satellites()

We'll compute the univariate likelihood of the Period_minutes feature over a range of values. We'll compute \(\log p(Period)\) and the conditional log likelihood of period given that the satellite is geosynchronous, \( \log p(Period | GEO)\).

period = pd.Series(np.linspace(0, 1500, 300), name="Period_minutes")

logp_period = satellites.logp(period)
logp_period_geo = satellites.logp(period, given={"Class_of_Orbit": "GEO"})


We can, of course compute likelihoods over multiple values:

values = pd.DataFrame({
    'Period_minutes': [70.0, 320.0, 1440.0],
    'Class_of_Orbit': ['LEO', 'MEO', 'GEO'],

values['logp'] = satellites.logp(values).exp()

Output (values):


We can find a close proximity to multivariate prediction by combining simulate and logp.

# The things we observe
conditions = {
    'Class_of_Orbit': 'LEO',
    'Period_minutes': 80.0,
    'Launch_Vehicle': 'Proton',

# Simulate many, many values
simulated = satellites.simulate(
    ['Country_of_Operator', 'Purpose', 'Expected_Lifetime'],
    n=100000,  # big number

# compute the log likelihood of each draw given the conditions
logps = satellites.logp(simulated, given=conditions)

# return the draw with the highest likelihood


shape: (1, 3)
│ Country_of_Operator ┆ Purpose        ┆ Expected_Lifetime │
│ ---                 ┆ ---            ┆ ---               │
│ str                 ┆ str            ┆ f64               │
│ USA                 ┆ Communications ┆ 7.554264          │

Prediction & Imputation

Prediction and imputation both involve inferring an unknown quantity. Imputation refers to inferring the value of a specific cell in our table, and prediction refers to inferring a hypothetical value.

The arguments for impute are the coordinates of the cell. We may wish to impute the cell at row bat and column furry. The arguments for prediction are the conditions we would like to use to create the conditional distribution. We may wish to predict furry given flys=True, brown=True, and fierce=False.


Uncertainty comes from several sources (to learn more about those sources, check out this blog post):

  1. Natural noise/imprecision/variance in the data-generating process
  2. Missing data and features
  3. Difficulty on the part of the model to capture a prediction

Type 1 uncertainty can be captured by computing the predictive distribution variance (or entropy for categorical targets). You can also visualize the predictive distribution. Observing multi-modality (multiple peaks in the distribution) can be a good indication that you are missing valuable information.

Determining how certain the model is in its ability to capture a prediction is done by assessing the consensus among the predictive distribution emitted by each state. The more alike these distributions are, the more certain the model is in its ability to capture a prediction.

Mathematically, uncertainty is formalized as the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) between the state-level predictive distributions. Uncertainty goes from 0 to 1, 0 meaning that there is only one way to model a prediction, and 1 meaning that there are many ways to model a prediction and they all completely disagree.

import pandas as pd
from lace import examples, plot

satellites = examples.Satellites()

  given={ "Class_of_Orbit": "GEO"}

Above. Prediction uncertainty when predicting Period_minutes of a geosynchronous satellite in the satellites dataset. Uncertainty is low. Though the stat distributions differ slightly in their variance, they're relatively close, with similar means.

To visualize a higher uncertainty prediction, well use given conditions from a record with a know data entry error.

given = satellites["Intelsat 902", :].to_dicts()[0]

# remove all missing data
given = { k: v for k, v in given.items() if not pd.isnull(v) }

# remove the index and the target value
_ = given.pop("index")
_ = given.pop("Period_minutes")


Above. Prediction uncertainty when predicting Period_minutes of Intelsat 902. Though the mean predictive distribution (black line) has a relatively low variance, there is a lot of disagreement between some of the samples, leading to high epistemic uncertainty.

Certain ignorance is when the model has zero data by which to make a prediction and instead falls back to the prior distribution. This is rare, but when it happens it will be apparent. To be as general as possible, the priors for a column's component distributions are generally much more broad than the predictive distribution, so if you see a predictive distribution that is senselessly wide and does not looks like the marginal distribution of that variable (which should follow the histogram of the data), you have a certain ignorance. The fix is to fill in the data for items similar to the one you are predicting.


Surprisal is a method by which users may find surprising (go figure) data such as outliers, anomalies, and errors.

In information theory

In information theoretic terms, "surprisal" (also referred to as self-information, information content, and potentially other things) is simply the negative log likelihood.

\[ s(x) = -\log p(x) \ \]

\[ s(x|y) = -\log p(x|y) \]

In Lace

In the Lace Engine, you have the option to call engine.surprisal and the option the call -engine.logp. There are differences between these two calls:

engine.surprisal takes a column as the first argument and can take optional row indices and values. engine.surprisal computes the information theoretic surprisal of a value in a particular position in the Lace table. engine.surprisal considers only existing values, or hypothetical values at specific positions in the table.

-engine.logp considers hypothetical values only. We provide a set of inputs and conditions and as 'how surprised would we be if we saw this?'

As an example, we can ask lace for the top 10 most surprisingly fierce animals from the Animals dataset.

from lace.examples import Animals

animals = Animals()

    .sort("surprisal", descending=True)\


# polars
shape: (10, 3)
│ index        ┆ fierce ┆ surprisal │
│ ---          ┆ ---    ┆ ---       │
│ str          ┆ u32    ┆ f64       │
│ pig          ┆ 1      ┆ 1.565845  │
│ rhinoceros   ┆ 1      ┆ 1.094639  │
│ buffalo      ┆ 1      ┆ 1.094639  │
│ chihuahua    ┆ 1      ┆ 0.802085  │
│ ...          ┆ ...    ┆ ...       │
│ collie       ┆ 0      ┆ 0.594919  │
│ otter        ┆ 0      ┆ 0.386639  │
│ hippopotamus ┆ 0      ┆ 0.328759  │
│ persian+cat  ┆ 0      ┆ 0.322771  │

Interpreting surprisal values

Surprisal is not normalized insofar as the likelihood is not normalized. For discrete distributions, surprisal will always be positive, but for tight continuous distributions that can have likelihoods greater than 1, surprisal can be negative. Interpreting the raw surprisal values is simply a matter of looking at which values are higher or lower and by how much.

Transformations may not be very useful. The surprised distribution is usually very far from capital 'N' Normal (Gaussian).

import as px
from lace.examples import Satellites

engine = Satellites()

surp = engine.surprisal('Period_minutes')

# plotly support for polars isn't currently great
fig = px.histogram(surp.to_pandas(), x='surprisal')

Lots of skew in this distribution. The satellites example is especially nasty because there are a lot of extremes when we're talking about spacecraft.

Simulating data

If you've used logp, you already understand how to simulate data. In both logp and simulate you define a distribution. In logp the output is an evaluation of a specific point (or points) in the distribution; in simulate you generate from the distribution.

We can simulate from joint distributions

from lace.examples import Animals

animals = Animals()

swims = animals.simulate(['swims'], n=10)


shape: (10, 1)
│ swims │
│ ---   │
│ u32   │
│ 1     │
│ 0     │
│ 0     │
│ 0     │
│ ...   │
│ 0     │
│ 0     │
│ 0     │
│ 0     │

Or we can simulate from conditional distributions

swims = animals.simulate(['swims'], given={'flippers': 1}, n=10)


shape: (10, 1)
│ swims │
│ ---   │
│ u32   │
│ 1     │
│ 1     │
│ 1     │
│ 1     │
│ ...   │
│ 1     │
│ 0     │
│ 1     │
│ 0     │

We can simulate multiple values

    ['swims', 'coastal', 'furry'],
    given={'flippers': 1},


shape: (10, 3)
│ swims ┆ coastal ┆ furry │
│ ---   ┆ ---     ┆ ---   │
│ u32   ┆ u32     ┆ u32   │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 0     │
│ 0     ┆ 0       ┆ 1     │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 0     │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 0     │
│ ...   ┆ ...     ┆ ...   │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 0     │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 0     │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 1     │
│ 1     ┆ 1       ┆ 1     │

If we want to create a debiased dataset we can do something like this: There are too many land animals in the animals dataset, we'd like an even representation of land and aquatic animals. All we need to do is simulate from the conditionals and concatenate the results.

import polars as pl

n = animals.n_rows

target_col = 'swims'
other_cols = [col for col in animals.columns if col != target_col]

land_animals = animals.simulate(
    given={target_col: 0},

aquatic_animals = animals.simulate(
    given={target_col: 1},

df = pl.concat([land_animals, aquatic_animals])


# polars df
shape: (50, 85)
│ black ┆ white ┆ blue ┆ brown ┆ ... ┆ solitary ┆ nestspot ┆ domestic ┆ swims │
│ ---   ┆ ---   ┆ ---  ┆ ---   ┆     ┆ ---      ┆ ---      ┆ ---      ┆ ---   │
│ u32   ┆ u32   ┆ u32  ┆ u32   ┆     ┆ u32      ┆ u32      ┆ u32      ┆ i64   │
│ 1     ┆ 0     ┆ 0    ┆ 1     ┆ ... ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0     │
│ 1     ┆ 0     ┆ 0    ┆ 1     ┆ ... ┆ 1        ┆ 1        ┆ 0        ┆ 0     │
│ 1     ┆ 0     ┆ 0    ┆ 1     ┆ ... ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0     │
│ 0     ┆ 1     ┆ 0    ┆ 0     ┆ ... ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0     │
│ ...   ┆ ...   ┆ ...  ┆ ...   ┆ ... ┆ ...      ┆ ...      ┆ ...      ┆ ...   │
│ 1     ┆ 1     ┆ 0    ┆ 1     ┆ ... ┆ 0        ┆ 1        ┆ 1        ┆ 1     │
│ 1     ┆ 1     ┆ 0    ┆ 1     ┆ ... ┆ 1        ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 1     │
│ 1     ┆ 1     ┆ 0    ┆ 1     ┆ ... ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 1     │
│ 0     ┆ 0     ┆ 0    ┆ 0     ┆ ... ┆ 0        ┆ 0        ┆ 1        ┆ 1     │

That's it! We introduced a new keyword argument, include_given, which includes the given conditions in the output so we don't have to add them back manually.

The draw method

The draw method is the in-table version of simulate. draw takes the row and column indices and produces values from the probability distribution describing that specific cell in the table.

otter_swims = animals.draw('otter', 'swims', n=5)


shape: (5,)
Series: 'swims' [u32]

Evaluating simulated data

There are a number of ways to evaluate the quality of simulated (synthetic) data:

  • Overlay histograms of synthetic data over histograms of the real data for each variable.
  • Compare the correlation matrices emitted by the real and synthetic data.
  • Train a classifier to classify real and synthetic data. The better the synthetic data, the more difficult it will be for a classifier to identify synthetic data. Note that you must consider the precision of the data. Lace simulates full precision data. If the real data are rounded to a smaller number of decimal places, a classifier may pick up on that. To fix this, simply round the simulated data.
  • Train a model on synthetic data and compare its performance on a real-data test set against a model trained on real data. Close performance to the real-data-trained model indicates higher quality synthetic data.

If you are concerned about sensitive information leakage, you should also measure the similarity each synthetic record to each real record. Secure synthetic data should not contain records that are so so to the originals that they may reproduce sensitive information.

In- and out-of-table operations

In Lace there are a number of operations that seem redundant. Why is there simulate and draw; predict and impute? Why is there surprisal when one can simple compute -logp? The answer is that the are in-table operations and out-of-table (or hypothetical) operations. In-table operations use the probability distribution at a certain cell in the PCC table, while out-of-table operations do not take table location, and thus category and view assignments into account. Hypothetical operations must marginalize over assignments.

Here is a table listing in-table and hypothetical operations.

Draw random datadrawsimulate
Compute likelihood(-) surprisallogp
Find argmax of a likelihoodimputepredict

Adding data to a model

Lace allow you to add and edit data without having to completely re-train.

You can edit existing cells,

import pandas as pd
from lace.examples import Animals

animals = Animals()
animals.edit_cell(row='pig', col='fierce', value=0)

assert animals['pig', 'fierce'] == 0
use lace::examples::Example;
use lace::prelude::*;

let mut animals = Example::Animals.engine().unwrap();

let write_mode = WriteMode::unrestricted();
let rows = vec![Row {
    row_ix: String::from("pig"),
    values: vec![Value {
        col_ix: String::from("fierce"),
        value: Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(0)),

animals.insert_data(rows, None, write_mode).unwrap();

you can remove existing cells (set the value as missing),

animals.edit_cell(row='otter', col='brown', value=None)

assert animals['otter', 'brown'] is None
let write_mode = WriteMode::unrestricted();
let rows = vec![Row {
    row_ix: String::from("otter"),
    values: vec![Value {
        col_ix: String::from("spots"),
        value: Datum::Missing,

animals.insert_data(rows, None, write_mode).unwrap();

you can append new rows,

    'tribble': {'fierce': 1, 'meatteeth': 0, 'furry': 1},

assert animals['tribble', 'fierce'] == 1
let write_mode = WriteMode::unrestricted();
let tribble = vec![Row {
    row_ix: String::from("tribble"),
    values: vec![
        Value {
            col_ix: String::from("fierce"),
            value: Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1)),
        Value {
            col_ix: String::from("meatteeth"),
            value: Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(0)),
        Value {
            col_ix: String::from("furry"),
            value: Datum::Categorical(lace::Category::U8(1)),

animals.insert_data(tribble, None, write_mode).unwrap();

and you can even append new columns.

cols = pd.DataFrame(
    pd.Series(["blue", "geen", "blue", "red"], name="fav_color", index=["otter", "giant+panda", "dolphin", "bat"])

# lace will infer the column metadata, or you can pass the metadata in

assert animals["bat", "fav_color"] == "red"

Some times you may need to supply lace with metadata about the column.

from lace import ColumnMetadata, ContinuousPrior

cols = pd.DataFrame(
    pd.Series([0.0, 0.1, 2.1, -1.3], name="fav_real_number", index=["otter", "giant+panda", "dolphin", "bat"])

md = ColumnMetadata.continuous(
    prior=ContinuousPrior(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

animals.append_columns(cols, metadata=[md])

assert animals["otter", "fav_real_number"] == 0.0
assert animals["antelope", "fav_real_number"] is None

Note that when you add a column you'll need to run inference (fit) a bit to incorporate the new information.

Prior Processes

In Lace (and in Bayesian nonparametrics) we put a prior on the number of parameters. This prior process formalizes how instances are distributed to an unknown number of categories. Lace gives you two options

  • The one-parameter Dirichlet process, DP(α)
  • The two-parameter Pitman-Yor process, PYP(α, d)

The Dirichlet process more heavily penalizes new categories with an exponential fall off while the Pitman-Yor process has a power law fall off in the number for categories. When d = 0, Pitman-Yor is equivalent to the Dirichlet process.

Dirichlet Process

Figure: Category ID (y-axis) by instance number (x-axis) for Dirichlet process draws for various values of alpha.

Pitman-Yor may fit the data better but (and because) it will create more parameters, which will cause model training to take longer.

Pitman-Yor Process

Figure: Category ID (y-axis) by instance number (x-axis) for Pitman-Yor process draws for various values of alpha and d.

For those looking for a good introduction to prior process, this slide deck from Yee Whye Teh is a good resource.

Preparing your data for Lace

Compared with many other machine learning tools, lace has very few requirements for data: data columns may be integer, continuous, or categorical string types; empty cells do not not need to be filled in; and the table must contain a string row index column labeled ID or Index (case-insensitive).

Supported data types for inference

Lace supports several data types, and more can be supported (with some work from us).

Continuous data

Continuous columns are modeled as mixtures of Gaussian distributions. Find an explanation of the parameters in the codebook

Categorical data

Note: For categorical columns, lace currently supports up to 256 unique values.

Categorical columns are modeled as mixtures of categorical distributions. Find an explanation of the parameters in the codebook.

Count data

Support exists for a count data type, which is modeled as a mixture of Poission distributions, but there are some drawbacks, which make it best to convert the data to continuous in most cases.

  • The Poisson distribution is a single parameter model so the location and variance of the mixture components cannot be controlled individually. In the Poisson model, higher magnitude means higher variance.
  • The hyper prior for count data is finicky and can often cause underflow/overflow errors when the underlying data do not look like Poisson distributions.

Note: If you use Count data, do so because you know that the underlying mixture components will be Poisson-like and be sure to set the prior and unset the hyperprior in the codebook

Preparing your data for Lace

Lace is pretty forgiving when it comes to data. You can have missing values, string values, and numerical values all in the same table; but there are some rules that your data must follow for the platform to pick up on things. Here you will learn how to make sure Lace understands your data properly.

Accepted formats

Lace currently accepts the following data formats

  • CSV
  • CSV.gz (gzipped CSV)
  • Parquet
  • IPC (Apache Arrow v2)
  • JSON (as output by the pandas function df.to_json('mydata.json))
  • JSON Lines

Using a schemaless data format

Formatting your data properly will help the platform understand your data. Under the hood, Lace uses polars for reading data formats into a DataFrame. For more information about i/o in polars, see the polars API documentation.

Here are the rules:

  1. Real-valued (continuous data) cells must have decimals.
  2. Integer-valued cells, whether count or categorical, must not have decimals.
  3. Categorical data cells may be integers (up to 255) or string values
  4. In a CSV, missing cells should be empty
  5. A row index is required. The index label should be 'ID'.

Not following these rules will confuse the codebook and could cause parsing errors.

Row and column names

Row and column indices or names must be strings. If you were to create a codebook from a csv with integer row and column indices, Lace would convert them to strings.

Tips on creating valid data with pandas

When reading data from a CSV, Pandas will convert integer columns with missing cells to float values since floats can represent NaN, which is how pandas represents missing data. You have a couple of options for saving your CSV file with both missing cells and properly formatted integers:

You can coerce the types to Int64, which is basically Int plus NaN, and then write to CSV.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([10,20,30], columns=['my_int_col'])

df['my_int_col'] = df['my_int_col'].astype('Int64')
df.to_csv('mydata.csv', index_label='ID')

If you have a lot of columns or particularly long columns, you might find it much faster just to reformat as you write to the csv, in which case you can use the float_format option in DataFrame.to_csv

df.to_csv('mydata.csv', index_label='ID', float_format='%g')

Codebook reference

The codebook is how you tell Lace about your data. The codebook contains information about

  • Row names
  • Column names
  • The type of data in each column (e.g., continuous, categorical, or count)
  • The prior on the parameters for each column
  • The hyperprior on the prior parameters for each column
  • The prior on the Dirichlet Process alpha parameter

Codebook fields


String name of the table. For your reference.


The prior process used for assigning columns to views. Can either be a Dirichlet process with a Gamma prior on alpha:

state_prior_process: !dirichlet
    shape: 1.0
    rate: 1.0

or a Pitman-Yor process with a Gamma prior on alpha and a Beta prior on d.

state_prior_process: !pitman_yor
    shape: 1.0
    rate: 1.0
    alpha: 0.5
    beta: 0.5


The prior process used for assigning rows to categories. Can either be a Dirichlet process with a Gamma prior on alpha:

view_prior_process: !dirichlet
    shape: 1.0
    rate: 1.0

or a Pitman-Yor process with a Gamma prior on alpha and a Beta prior on d.

view_prior_process: !pitman_yor
    shape: 1.0
    rate: 1.0
    alpha: 0.5
    beta: 0.5


A list of columns, ordered by left-to-right occurrence in the data. Contains the following fields:

  • name: The name of the column
  • notes: Optional information about the column. Purely for reference
  • coltype: Contains information about the type type of data, the prior, and the hyper prior. See column metadata for more information
  • missing_not_at_random: a boolean. If false (default), missing values in the column are assumed to be missing completely at random.


A list of row names in order of top-to-bottom occurrence in the data


Optional notes for user reference

Codebook type inference

When you upload your data, Lace will pull the row and column names from the file, infer the data types, and choose and empirical hyperprior from the data.

Type inference works like this:

  • Categorical if:
    • The column contains only string values
      • Lace will assume the categorical variable can take on any of (and only) the existing values in the column
    • There are only integers up to a cutoff.
      • If There are only integers in the column x the categorical values will be assumed to take on values 0 to max(x).
  • Count if:
    • There are only integers that exceed the value of the cutoff
  • Continuous if:
    • There are only integers and one or more floats

Column metadata

  • Either prior or hyper must be defined.
    • If prior is defined and hyper is not defined, hyperpriors and hyperparameter inference will be disabled.

It is best to leave the hyperpriors alone. It is difficult to intuit what effect the hyperpriors have on the final distribution. If you have knowledge beyond the vague hyperpriors, null out the `hyper` field with a `~` and set the prior instead. This will disable hyperparameter inference inf favor of the expert knowledge you have provided.


The continuous type has the hyper field and the prior field. The prior parameters are those for the Normal Inverse Chi-squared prior on the mean and variance of a normal distribution.

  • m: the prior mean
  • k: how strongly (in pseudo observations) that we believe m
  • s2: the prior variance
  • v: how strongly (is pseudo observations) that we believe s2

To have widely dispersed components with small variances you would set k very low and very high.

FIXME: Animation showing effect of different priors

The hyper priors are the priors on the above parameters. They are named for the parameters to which they are attached, e.g. pr_m is the hyper prior for the m parameter.

  • pr_m: Normal distribution
  • pr_k: Gamma distribution with shape and rate (inverse scale) parameters
  • pr_v: Inverse gamma distribution with shape and scale parameters
  • pr_s2: Inverse gamma distribution with shape and scale parameters
- name: Eccentricity
  coltype: !Continuous
        mu: 0.02465318142734303
        sigma: 0.1262297091840037
        shape: 1.0
        rate: 1.0
        shape: 7.0587581525186648
        scale: 7.0587581525186648
        shape: 7.0587581525186648
        scale: 0.015933939480678149
      m: 0.0
      k: 1.0
      s2: 7.0
      v: 1.0
    # To not define the prior add a `~`
    # prior: ~
  notes: ~
  missing_not_at_random: false


In addition to prior and hyper, Categorical has additional special fields:

  • k: the number of values the variable can assume
  • value_map: An optional map of integers in [0, ..., k-1] mapping the integer code (how the value is represented internally) to the string value. If value_map is not defined, it is usually assume that classes take on only integer values in [0, ..., k-1].

The hyper is an inverse gamma prior on the prior parameter alpha

- name: Class_of_Orbit
  coltype: !Categorical
    k: 4
        shape: 1.0
        scale: 1.0
    value_map: !string
      0: Elliptical
      1: GEO
      2: LEO
      3: MEO
      alpha: 0.5
      k: 4
    # To not define the prior add a `~`
    # prior: ~
  notes: ~
  missing_not_at_random: false

Editing the codebook

You should use the default codebook generated by the Lace CLI as a starting point for custom edits. Generally the only edits you will make are

  • Adding notes/comments
  • changing the state_alpha_prior and view_alpha_prior (though you should only do this if you know what you're doing)
  • converting a Count column to a Categorical column. Usually there will be no need to change between other column types.


Stats primer

What you need to know about Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian statistics is built around the idea of posterior inference. The posterior distribution is the probability distribution of the parameters, \(\theta\), of some model given observed data, \(x\). In math: \( p(\theta | s) \). Per Bayes theorem, the posterior distribution can be written in terms of other distributions,

\[ p(\theta | s) = \frac{p(x|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(x)}. \]

Where \( p(x|\theta) \) is the likelihood of the observations given the parameters of our model; \( p(\theta) \) is the prior distribution, which defines our beliefs about the model parameters in the absence of data; and \( p(x) \) is the marginal likelihood, which the likelihood of the data marginalized over all possible models. Of these, the likelihood and prior are the two distributions we're most concerned with. The marginal likelihood, which is defined as

\[ p(x) = \int p(x|\theta)p(\theta) d\theta \]

is notoriously difficult and a lot of effort in Bayesian computation goes toward making the marginal likelihood go away, so we won't talk about it much.

Finite mixture models

A mixture model is a weighted sum of probabilistic distributions. Here is an example of bimodal mixture model.


This mixture model is defined as the sum of two Normal distributions:

\[ p(x) = \frac{1}{2} N(x; \mu=-3, \sigma^2=1) + \frac{1}{2} N(x; \mu=3, \sigma^2=1). \]

In lace, we will often use the term mixture component to refer to an individual model within a mixture.

In general a mixture distribution has the form

\[ p(x|\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^K w_i , p(x|\theta_i), \]

where \(K\) is the number of mixture components, \(w_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) weight, and all weights are positive and sum to 1.

To draw a mixture model from the prior,

  1. Draw the weights, \( w \sim \text{Dirichlet}(\alpha) \), where \(\alpha\) is a \(K\)-length vector of values in \((0, \infty)\).
  2. For \(i \in {1, ..., K}\) draw \( \theta_i \sim p(\theta) \)

As a note, we usually use one \(\alpha\) value repeated \(K\) times rather than \(K\) distinct values. We do not often have reason to think that any one component is more likely than the other, and reducing a vector to one value reduces the number of dimensions in our model.

Dirichlet process mixture models (DPMM)

Suppose we don't know how many components are in our model. Given \(N\) data, there could be as few as 1 and as many as \(N\) components. To infer the number of components or categories, we place a prior on how categories are formed. One such prior is the Dirichlet process. To explain the Dirichlet process we use the Chinese restaurant process (CRP) formalization.

The CRP metaphor works like this: you are on your lunch break and, as one often does, you to usual luncheon spot: a magical Chinese restaurant where the rules of reality do not apply. Today you happen to arrive a bit before open and, as such, are the first customer to be seated. There is exactly one table with exactly one seat. You sit at that table. Or was the table instantiated for you? Who knows. The next customer arrives. They have a choice. They can sit with you or they can sit at a table alone. Customers at this restaurant love to sit together (customers of interdimensional restaurants tend to be very social creatures), but the owners offer a discount to customers who instantiate new tables. Mathematically, a customer sits at a table with probability

\[ p(z_i = k) = \begin{cases} \frac{n_k}{N_{-i}+\alpha}, & \text{if $k$ exists} \\ \frac{\alpha}{N_{-i}+\alpha}, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}, \]

where \(z_i\) is the table of customer i, \(n_k\) is the number of customers currently seated at table \(k\), and \(N_{-i}\) is the total number of seated customers, not including customer i (who is still deciding where to sit).

Under the CRP formalism, we make inferences about what datum belongs to which category. The weight vector is implicit. That's it. For information on how inference is done in DPMMs check out the literature recommendations.


Here we list some of the terminology, including acronyms, you will encounter when using lace.

  • view: A cluster of columns within a state.
  • category: A cluster of rows within a view.
  • component model: The probability distribution defining the model of a specific category in a column.
  • state: what we call a lace posterior sample. Each state represents the current configuration (or state) of an independent markov chain. We aggregate over states to achieve estimate of likelihoods and uncertainties.
  • metadata: A set of files from which an Engine may be loaded
  • prior: A probability distribution that describe how likely certain hypotheses (model parameters) are before we observe any data.
  • hyperprior: A prior distribution on prior. Allows us to admit a larger amount of initial uncertainty and permit a broader set of hypotheses.
  • empirical hyperprior: A hyperprior with parameters derived from data.
  • CRP: Chinese restaurant process
  • DPMM: Dirichlet process mixture model
  • PCC: Probabilistic cross-categorization


Bayesian statistics and information theory

For an introduction to Bayesian statistics, information theory, and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), David MacKay's "Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms" 1 is an excellent choice and it's available for free.


MacKay, D. J., & Mac Kay, D. J. (2003). Information theory, inference and learning algorithms. Cambridge university press. (PDF)

Dirichlet process mixture models

For an introduction to infinite mixture models via the Dirichlet process, Carl Rasumssen's "The infinite Gaussian mixture model"2 provides an introduction to the model; and Radford Neal's "Markov chain sampling methods for Dirichlet process mixture models"3 provides an introduction to basic MCMC methods. When I was learning Dirichlet process mixture models, I found Frank Wood and Michael Black's "A nonparametric Bayesian alternative to spike sorting" 4 extremely helpful. Because its target audience is applied scientists it lays things out more simply and completely than a manuscript aimed at statisticians or computer scientists might.


Rasmussen, C. (1999). The infinite Gaussian mixture model. Advances in neural information processing systems, 12. (PDF)


Neal, R. M. (2000). Markov chain sampling methods for Dirichlet process mixture models. Journal of computational and graphical statistics, 9(2), 249-265. (PDF)


Wood, F., & Black, M. J. (2008). A nonparametric Bayesian alternative to spike sorting. Journal of neuroscience methods, 173(1), 1-12. (PDF)

Probabilistic cross-categorization (PCC)

For a compact explanation designed for people unfamiliar with Bayesian statistics, see Shafto, et al 5. This work is targeted at psychologists and demonstrates PCC's power to model human cognitive capabilities. For a incredibly in-dept overview with loads of math, use cases, and examples, see Mansinghka et al 6.


Shafto, P., Kemp, C., Mansinghka, V., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2011). A probabilistic model of cross-categorization. Cognition, 120(1), 1-25.(PDF)


Mansinghka, V., Shafto, P., Jonas, E., Petschulat, C., Gasner, M., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2016). Crosscat: A fully bayesian nonparametric method for analyzing heterogeneous, high dimensional data. (PDF)